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Navigation:  Assets > Creating an Asset >


In the Maintenance tab of the Assets form, please fill in the following columns accordingly:


Enable Maintenance - Should be enabled (checked) for all active assets and disabled for all inactive assets (unchecked).


Proposed Frequency of Preventative Maintenance - Please select either Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Annually, Bi-Annually, or Other. If other is selected, please fill in "If other, please provide frequency"


Using Maintenance Tasks or Work Orders -


Preventative Maintenance Tasks and Reactive Maintenance Tasks - Use these columns to add or view Maintenance Tasks. For more information, please see Maintenance Tasks tab.


Urgent Capital Maintenance Provision - This is part of the secretary guidelines which is to form part of the 3 year report giving providers the option to allocate a provision for urgent capital maintenance if helpful.




Estimated PM Year 1 through Estimated PM Year 10 - Fill in your ten year Preventative Maintenance plan for the asset using these columns.


Total Preventative Maintenance - This is a calculated column, auto-filled by the form, that will total the Estimated PM Year Maintenance columns.


Estimated PM RAC Share -  Amount of Total Preventative Maintenance allocated for any other departments sharing the asset with the village. This is a calculated column that will be auto-filled by form.


Estimated RM RVP Share - Amount of Total Preventative Maintenance allocated for village. This is a calculated column that will be auto-filled by form.


Quotes obtained maintenance - This is a column where you can input quotes for preventative maintenance costs.




The columns in the Reactive Maintenance section work as described above for the Preventative Maintenance section.




In the Actual Maintenance section, you will find the Accumulated Actual Costs of Total Preventative Maintenance, Total Reactive Maintenance, PM RAC Share and PM RVP Shares, RM RAC and RM RVP Shares, and the Percentage of Total RM and PM as Purchase Price.


Is maintenance or replacement proposed for the item? - Once an asset is within the last year of effective life or has reached 90% repairs vs Purchase Cost, you need to make the maintain or replace decision.


Reason for maintenance or replacement - Fill in the reason for the decision made in the above column.

